Clever Engineering Blog — Always a Student


How we handle multi-region sessions at Clever

By Nathan Leiby on

Why multi-region sessions? Each year leading up to Back to School (our busiest season), Clever’s engineering team invests in our highest traffic systems to make sure we can handle user growth and new traffic patterns. During 2020–2021, SAML auth at Clever grew from <10% of our login related traffic to about 40% of our traffic! For this […]

Postmortem on Last Week’s Outages

By Ben Adida on

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 6th-8th, 2018, Clever logins failed for all customers: 1h on Tuesday, 1h15 on Wednesday, and almost 5h on Thursday. This was Clever’s single worst outage ever in length, repeatedness, and impact. This postmortem is the first of many public steps we’ll be taking to ensure Clever is a service […]

Mo Repos, Mo Problems? How We Make Changes Across Many Git Repositories

By Nathan Leiby on

tl;dr: Try out microplane! It’s a CLI tool to make changes across many repos. The Problem At Clever, we’ve embraced microservices. They promote modularity, which leads to simpler code bases and lets our engineers move quickly and independently. They are easier to deploy, which helps us build towards incremental, frequent deploys and continuous delivery. In […]